Bay Section Leadership Conference

Compete head-to-to head with your fellow FBLA members from the Bay Section. This is the first level of FBLA competition, and your opportunity to be recognized in FBLA competition and advance to the state level of competition.

Homestead High School FBLA and your Bay Section Executive Board are the hosts for this conference, and they have an exciting conference planned for you! Elect section officers, conduct section business, network, and compete with us at the Bay Section Leadership Conference!

February 10, 2024

Homestead High School

Bay Section Leadership Team

President: Anshul Singh
Vice President of Outreach: Samhitha Varanasi
Vice President of Activities:  Esha Wanzakhade
Secretary/Treasurer: Sophie Jaquish

Public Relations Officer:  Bhavya Krishnan
Parliamentarian: Sanghyuk Ko
Ex-officio:  Arnav Chakravarthy, State Secretary
Bay Section Director: Mr. Graeme Logie

Compete with the best of the best in the Bay Section